How Kripa palliative care


Our main focus at Kripa Palliative Care is to provide comprehensive care to individuals in need. Our services can be broadly categorized into two main areas: clinical support and psycho – social support.

Clinical Support:

  • Home Care (DHC, NHC, VHC)
  • Free distribution of medicines
  • Morphine distribution
  • OP (available Weekly)
  • Medical Equipment supply

Psycho-Social Support:

  • Pension distribution
  • Awareness classes
  • Distribution of essential commodities
  • Rice distribution
    Patient ,Volunteer Family Meet
  • Palliative Day Celebration
  • Distribution of study materials
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Future Projects:

At Kripa Charitable Society, we are constantly striving to expand and improve our services to better serve the community. In the near future, we plan to launch several projects that will help us achieve this goal.

  • Day Care Center for Elders
  • Old Age Home
  • Ambulance Services
  • IP (in patient) Treatment Facility
  • Self Employment Training Facility
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